2017 April

GRE tunnel between Juniper and Linux

This is a short howto about how you can bring up a GRE tunnel between Juniper devices and Linux, Ubuntu in this case. Just to provide some basics about GRE tunnels: Each endpoint has to have reachability to the other endpoint One endpoint must use the GRE tunnel to reach the destination of the tunnel(recursive… Keep reading »

Subnet-Router Anycast address on Junos

In this post we are going to discuss Subnet-Router Anycast address and how it is configured on Junos. The Subnet-Router anycast address is covered here: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section-2.6.1 The anycast address is the same as the unicast address from the interface with the difference that the interface identifier is set to zero. Any router on the subnet… Keep reading »

Getting MAC addresses using SNMP on EX2300/EX3400

In this post we are going to see how you can extract the content of the MAC address table using SNMP on EX2300 or EX3400. This is different than some other switching platforms like EX4200, EX4500, EX8200. To accomplish this, different Juniper enterprise MIBs must be used. Let us see how we can achieve this…. Keep reading »
