2013 July

Log information from firewall filters

If you want to keep the track of what one of your firewalls is matching, you have two options. Let’s say that you have this topology: (lo0- ———- (ge-0/0/0- and on R2 you want to keep track of all packets that have a destination to R2’s Loopback0 interface.

Book Review: “CCNA ICND1 100-101″ by Wendell Odom

I was recently asked to write reviews for ICND1 and ICND2 book published by CiscoPress. You can check my review on the new ICND1 book written by Wendell Odom on Intenseschool website. Additionally, you can take the ICND1 course provided by Intenseschool.

Conditional configuration groups

There is the possibility in JunOS to define conditions under which a group can be applied. A group can be applied based on the type of chassis, model, routing-engine, virtual-chassis member, cluster node and start and end time of  day or date. By applying a group based on the time, you can have configure for… Keep reading »

Changing the configuration using event policy action

Starting with 12.1, JunOS allows you to change the configuration by the event policy. In the past this was possible only by using the event policy along with an event script. The first one was detecting that a configuration change had to be done and the second one was commiting the configuration change. Let’s see… Keep reading »

Networking articles for CCNA students – OSPF Areas Part I

Recently I started to write articles for CCNA students regarding various topics needed to pass the exam. The last article is part of two article series dealing with OSPF areas. This is the link to the article at Intenseschool website. The company is involved in IT training and certification with multiple software/hardware vendors like Microsoft,… Keep reading »

Commit script to enable protocol for LAG members on Qfabric

On QFABRIC there is no way to enable SFLOW on LAG interfaces. Therefore, to enable it, you have to add them one by one under SFLOW protocol configuration. This post will show you how you can write a SLAX commit script that at every commit on Qfabric, all interfaces that are part of any LAG… Keep reading »

VLAN to port mapping using SNMP on Juniper EX

This post is about SNMP and it will show you how you can retrieve all the ports that are part of a VLAN and how you can retrieve the vlan membership of a port on a Juniper EX switch. Before doing this, let’s see what the cli output is and we will compare it with… Keep reading »
